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About Brazil Nuts and Where to Buy Them Easily 

In recent years, Brazil Nuts have become one of the most popular foods among those who are aiming to eat more healthily and improve their longevity. As raw nuts, these guys are easily at the top of the list for health benefits. In fact, Brazil Nuts are known to improve focus, stamina, fight cancer, and more! Below, we’ll give you the full scoop on these healthy and beneficial nuts.

Brazil Nuts are Incredibly Antioxidant and Selenium Rich

First of all, let’s talk about the cancer-fighting properties of Brazil Nuts. With an anti-carcinogenic nutrient called selenium, these are a dense and antioxidant-rich source of protein! Indeed, among all nuts, Brazil Nuts are the number one densest source of bioavailable selenium! As an antioxidant, selenium plays a major role in regulating the human body, namely thyroid function. 

The benefits of natural selenium are numerous. Based on a five-year study, it was shown that patients receiving selenium from natural food sources exhibited a 63% decrease in prostate cancer, a 58% decrease in colon cancer, and a 46% decrease in lung cancer! Suffice to say, Brazil Nuts are a great option if you’re trying to keep your body in regulated harmony. 

Add Brazil Nuts to Your Healthy Diet Plan 

With this in mind, it’s super easy to add Brazil Nuts into your healthy diet plan. Not only are they rich in selenium, but they contain many other great nutrients! For one, they’re loaded with protein. Protein gives us energy and vitality. Also, these nuts contain the good healthy fats that our bodies need. 

Also, Brazil Nuts are loaded with Vitamin E, Vitamin B, and more. Vitamin E is required to maintain the membranes of your cells. This vitamin can add elasticity to your skin and help against the battle of aging! Vitamin B helps with a range of body functions including metabolic rate regulation. As you probably already know, a healthy metabolism can help to keep you fit and trim! 

Metabolism and Mental Boosters 

Plus, B-vitamins help with mental sharpness and brain function. Therefore, Brazil Nuts help you feel better, look better, and think better! All of this, while also providing a healthy source of fat and protein for energy. If that’s not enough, studies even suggest that they may help to fight cancer. Now that’s a health nut! 

Add Fresh Raw or Roasted Brazil Nuts to Anything

If you eat just 100g of brazil nuts, which is around a cup, you will get more than 3,000% of your daily selenium intake! So, eating a couple of handfuls of Brazil Nuts throughout the day is enough to give you a huge health boost. Even just a few nuts a day can be beneficial! You can realistically add Brazil Nuts to a salad or to your favorite protein shake as well. 

Additionally, since these nuts taste so great, they go well with anything. In flavor, Brazil Nuts have a buttery texture with a lightly sweet smell. Brazil Nuts can be eaten toasted, roasted, cooked into baked goods, or raw! For a super healthy snack, eat your raw brazil nuts with a pinch of salt, atop fresh yogurt, or with your favorite seasoning blend. 

Where to Buy Brazil Nuts in Bulk 

Here at GrabOurNuts, we’re all about helping you stay healthy, happy, and satisfied. We sell our delicious gourmet Brazil Nuts in large one-pound quantities. Consequently, you can easily access the amazing health benefits of these nuts without breaking the bank. Since we sell our fresh and delicious Brazil Nuts in bulk at close to wholesale prices, you can’t go wrong! Logo