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Exploring All The Health Benefits Of Pistachios

Pistachios are well-known for their health benefits and are a staple of many consumers’ diets. They provide many essential daily nutrients, including vitamins, fats, fibers, and proteins. 

Nuts and seeds can be especially good for people with very little protein in their lives. A lack of protein can have many negative health consequences, including a slower metabolism, anemia, and muscle mass loss. 

There are many ways to incorporate pistachios into your diet. Many take the basic approach and eat them in their natural state, which is the healthiest way! However, others prefer to get their pistachio nutrients by adding them to certain dishes, as we’ll discuss below. 

Pistachios Are A Nutritious Treat

Like many other nuts and seeds, pistachios hold value far beyond their taste. A healthy diet can have endless health benefits, from a decreased chance of developing diseases to a boosted immune system. In fact, there have been studies showing how pistachios contain heart-healthy properties. 

These studies have noted that pistachios can help lower heart disease rates, as well as rates of other diseases. Other health benefits of pistachios include antioxidants, essential vitamins, and cholesterol battling properties. 

Bringing Down The Bad Cholesterol

In its healthiest form, cholesterol can be a great addition to any diet in moderation. In fact, high-density lipoprotein is known as “good” cholesterol and has been shown to lower your risk for numerous diseases, including stroke and heart disease. 

On the other hand, bad cholesterol is called LDL, or low-density lipoprotein. This version of cholesterol can have a negative impact on one’s body very quickly. Not to mention, if it builds up and creates blockages in the vessels, it can lead to less than ideal health events, such as strokes or heart attacks. These events typically occur when the blood vessels get blocked off from too much LDL buildup. 

Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Everyone who loves pistachios may unknowingly be reaping this benefit. That’s right; vitamin B6 is one among many vitamins that’s essential for proper body function and wellness. 

This vitamin is involved in the development of your brain, as well as the movement of your bloodstream. If one’s amino acid levels get too high, it can disrupt the body’s blood flow and cause one’s health to quickly deteriorate. This vitamin helps combat this issue directly. Additionally, it helps to boost one’s immune system so the body can stay healthy. 

For those who are feeling the effects of changing seasons, pistachios can provide a much-needed boost. In serotonin production, Vitamin B6 helps by providing a mood boost. Adding more B6 to your diet just might help you get out of a seasonal funk. 

Extra Antioxidants

Pistachios are among the nuts with the highest levels of essential antioxidants. The only nuts that rival pistachios in this matter are pecans and walnuts. In short, antioxidant-packed foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent additional damage to cells. 

Many of these antioxidants may also promote optimal eye health. These types of antioxidants break down with ease, allowing pistachio lovers to reap their benefits shortly after consumption. 

Polyphenols & Tocopherols

These two groups of antioxidants are fruitful in pistachios. While they don’t directly prevent or cure any diseases, they sure can help lessen the risks associated with these diseases by promoting health throughout the body’s most vital systems. Some specific antioxidants in pistachios include:

  • Lutein – Lutein can directly impact your eye health. Macular disease is known for destroying vision and causing blindness. It is very common in the United States, with cases reaching over 200,000 each year. Lutein helps protect your eyes and promote optimal health. Its anti-inflammatory and blue light defense properties make it one of the most commonly consumed antioxidants. Many take it by mouth, while others focus on incorporating it into their diets by way of antioxidant-rich foods. Zeaxanthin is a similar eye-healthy antioxidant. 
  • B-carotene – Next, we have B(Beta)-carotene, an antioxidant that the body takes and flips on its head. When consumed and broken down, the body turns Beta-carotene into Vitamin A. This vitamin is known for promoting eye, kidney, lung, and heart health, as well as cell growth. Its external benefits include improved memory, skin protection, and cancer risk reduction.
  • Y-tocopherol – This antioxidant is actually a form of Vitamin E, which is one of the most popular and widely used vitamins in US food products. It may promote optimal skin and eye health, as well as immune system health and strengthening. 

Pistachios Decrease The Risk Of Many Health Conditions

As discussed, pistachios have the potential to lessen the risks associated with numerous diseases and health issues, including heart disease, stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. 

While no diet changes can completely diminish your risk for a certain disease, implementing changes will leave you healthier and better than before! Uncontrollable factors outside of your diet include family history and genetics. 

Heart Disease, Heart Attack, & Stroke

Your heart is one of the most vital organs that need to be protected. Many people unknowingly worsen their heart health by engaging in unhealthy practices such as not getting enough essential nutrients in your diet. A lack of protein can contribute greatly to your health, just like not consuming enough healthy cholesterol. 

On the bright side, pistachios alone promote the building of muscle mass, help vessels remain unblocked, and provide the body with essential vitamins and antioxidants for optimal health. They may also help regulate the digestive system and decrease existing inflammation!  

Metabolic Syndrome & Type 2 Diabetes

A prominent issue in people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome involves high blood sugar levels. Excessive carbohydrates typically aid in the raising of blood sugar, so you’ll definitely want to watch those carbs!  

Fortunately, pistachios are very low in carbohydrates. As a benefit, eating these nuts may help consumers better control their blood sugar levels. Additionally, nuts can help lower blood pressure and oxidative stress as well. Studies have shown promising results supporting the positive effects of pistachios, so you can be sure they’ll benefit any diet. 

Pistachio Lemon Bar Recipe

Lemon bars have been a family favorite for years. Nowadays, bakers are trying out new ways to spice it up. 

After all, pistachio lemon bars are just one of those super-sweet takes! Each delectable lemon bar is made as usual and incorporates pistachios into the crust and filling. As a sweet, lemony treat with a twist, what’s not to love? So if that sounds yummy, then here’s how you can make it happen…

Total Time needed: 45 Minutes

All detailed ingredients make 16 servings of pistachio lemon bars.

Lemon Bar Crust

● 1 cup all-purpose flour

● ¼ cup confectioners’ sugar

● ¼ teaspoon kosher salt

● ½ cup cold, unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

● ¼ cup shelled unsalted pistachios, roughly chopped

Lemon Bar Filling

● 2 eggs

● 1 cup of sugar

● ½ teaspoon baking powder

● 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

● 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest

● 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

● ⅓ cup shelled unsalted pistachios

● Confectioners’ sugar, for garnish

Instructions For Prep And Cooking

Step 1 of 2:

Begin by preheating your oven to 350° Fahrenheit. Add parchment paper or butter to one 8-inch square pan.

In a mixing bowl, combine your flour, sugar, and salt. Use a food processor to fully blend these ingredients together.

Add butter to the food processor mix, and blend until completely combined.

Begin lining your pan with the crust by pouring it into the pan and pressing it to the bottom. You can do this by using the bottom of a cup. Now, should the dough start to stick to the cup, feel free to place parchment paper on top of the dough before pressing it down. Bake the crust for approximately 20 minutes, or until it is lightly browned

Step 2 of 2:

In a mixing bowl or stand mixer, place in all of your filling ingredients. Whisk them together until fully incorporated. 

After the crust has baked for about 20 minutes, pour the filling on top of the crust. Allow the bars to cook for approximately 20 minutes, or until they are set. After baking is complete, remove your lemon bars from heat and allow them to cool completely. 

Once they’ve cooled, sprinkle powdered sugar on top, cut the bars into 2-inch squares, and enjoy!

The Possibilities Are Endless 

Pistachios are great for more than just a quick snack. They provide many essential nutrients for regulated body function and development. Plus, they can help lower your risk of many diseases and promote better body health. 

Foods that are high in vitamins, antioxidants, and good cholesterol make a great additive to any diet. Also, they taste great in nearly any dish! Use them in a breaded chicken recipe, incorporate them into your dessert, use a nut spread version, toss them into a salad, or eat them raw.

The possibilities are endless! On that note, we think it’s pretty clear, the health benefits of pistachios are totally worth factoring into one’s diet. Not only do they promote a healthier you, but they also taste great and can be consumed in a variety of ways!

So if you’re looking to get in shape by elevating your health, then head over to our nuts product page and select pistachios. From there you’ll be able to purchase these nuts in a 1lb bag! Also, keep in mind, it’s a lot cheaper by buy nuts online! Search and compare today, you’ll be glad you did. Thanks for reading! Stay Healthy! Logo